This chapter describes RSVP messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
RSVP.001 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: RSVP.001 Initializing RSVP; status= init_status.
Long Syntax: RSVP.001 Initializing RSVP function; result status is init_status.
Description: The RSVP init routine is called to perform initialization functions. The result status is displayed (NOT CONFIGURED, STARTED, CONFIG ERROR).
RSVP.002 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: RSVP.002 RSVP stopped at clock time_now.
Long Syntax: RSVP.002 RSVP function is stopped by operator at system clock time_now.
Description: The operator stopped RSVP function using op-console command.
RSVP.004 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: RSVP.004 Rcvd net n_net updown_state msg; net-type= net_type b/w=
Long Syntax: RSVP.004 RSVP received network n_net updown_state message; network type= net_type bandwith=
Description: RSVP received an upcall regarding a network interface UP/DOWN status
RSVP.007 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: RSVP.007 RSVP not enabled on i/f Interface due to Reason_string
Long Syntax: RSVP.007 Enable RSVP on interface Interface failed due to Reason_string
Description: Enable-RSVP on an interface failed because of link config conflicts such as BRS already configured on the link or other reasons.
RSVP.010 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.010 Not RSVP V1 vrsn RSVPVersion fm SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.010 Not RSVP V1 version RSVPVersion in packet from SourceIPAddress
Description: An RSVP packet with a bad version number was received. (rsvp_rx_process)
RSVP.011 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.011 Bad RSVP checksum RSVPCheckSum fm SourceIPAddress"
Long Syntax: RSVP.011 Invalid RSVP checksum RSVPCheckSum in packet from SourceIPAddress"
Description: An RSVP packet with a bad checksum was received. (rsvp_rx_process)
RSVP.012 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.012 Bad RSVP pkt lngth RSVPPacketLength fm SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.012 Bad RSVP packet length RSVPPacketLength in packet from SourceIPAddress
Description: An RSVP packet with a bad length was received. (rsvp_rx_process)
RSVP.015 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.015 Bad RSVP objct lngth RSVPObjectLength in objct cla RSVPObjectClass from SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.015 A bad RSVP object length RSVPObjectLength in obj cla RSVPObjectClass in packet from SourceIPAddress
Description: The RSVP object length was not a multiple of 4, was less than 4, or it's next object pointer was bad. (rsvp_map_pkt)
RSVP.016 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.016 Bad RSVP objct class RSVPObjectClass from SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.016 RSVP object class RSVPObjectClass not defined in packet from SourceIPAddress
Description: The RSVP object class was not defined. (rsvp_map_pkt)
RSVP.017 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.017 Fltr without flw from SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.017 RSVP filter spec received before flow spec in packet from SourceIPAddress
Description: An filterspec was received with a flowspec. (rsvp_map_pkt)
RSVP.018 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.018 RSVP objct lngth err SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.018 RSVP object length was bad in packet from SourceIPAddress
Description: An RSVP object's length was bad. (rsvp_map_pkt)
RSVP.021 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.021 RSVP src SenderTemplate/dstn Session cnflct fm SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.021 An RSVP source SenderTemplate/destination Session conflict from SourceIPAddress
Description: Either the RSVP sender template or the filter spec does not match the session. (rsvp_check_srcport)
RSVP.022 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.022 RSVP Pth mssng tmplt SenderTemplate or tspc SenderTSpec fm SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.022 RSVP Path message has no template SenderTemplate or tspec SenderTSpec from SourceIPAddress
Description: An RSVP Path message is missing either a sender_template or a sender_tspec. (rsvp_check_sender)
RSVP.026 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.026 RSVP WF Resv mssng flow fm SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.026 RSVP WF RESV message missing flowspec from SourceIPAddress
Description: An RSVP Resv message in wildcard filter (WF) style is missing flowspec information. (rsvp_check_flow)
RSVP.027 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.027 RSVP RSVPStyle Resv mssng fltr or flow fm SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.027 RSVP RSVPStyle RESV message missing filterspec or flowspec from SourceIPAddress
Description: An RSVP Resv message in fixed filter (FF) style or shared explicit (SE) style is missing filterspec or flowspec information. (rsvp_check_flow)
RSVP.028 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.028 RSVP Resv unkn styl RSVPStyle fm SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.028 RSVP RESV message contains unknown style RSVPStyle from SourceIPAddress
Description: An RSVP Resv message has an unknown or unsupported style (rsvp_check_flow)
RSVP.031 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.031 RSVP msg type MsgType mssng sssn fm SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.031 RSVP message type MsgType rcvd with missing session from SourceIPAddress
Description: An RSVP message is missing a session object (rsvp_msg_integrity)
RSVP.032 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.032 RSVP Path mssng hp or tm fm SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.032 RSVP Path message missing hop or time from SourceIPAddress
Description: An RSVP Path message is missing a hop or time value (rsvp_msg_integrity)
RSVP.033 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.033 RSVP Resv mssng hp, tm or styl fm SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.033 RSVP Resv message missing hop, time or style from SourceIPAddress
Description: An RSVP Resv message is missing rsvp_shop, time or style information. (rsvp_msg_integrity)
RSVP.034 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.034 RSVP Path rrr mssng rrr fm SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.034 RSVP Path error message missing error spec from SourceIPAddress
Description: An RSVP Path error message is missing error_spec information. (rsvp_msg_integrity)
RSVP.035 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.035 RSVP Resv rrr mssng rrr or styl fm SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.035 RSVP Resv error message missing error or style from SourceIPAddress
Description: An RSVP Resv error message is missing error_spec or style_spec information. (rsvp_msg_integrity)
RSVP.036 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.036 RSVP Path tr mssng hop RsvpHop fm SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.036 RSVP Path tear message missing rsvp_hop RsvpHop from SourceIPAddress
Description: An RSVP Path tear message is missing rsvp_hop information. (rsvp_msg_integrity)
RSVP.037 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.037 RSVP Resv tr mssng hop, scp, or styl from SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.037 RSVP Resv tear message missing hop, scope or style from SourceIPAddress
Description: An RSVP Path tear message is missing rsvp_hop, scope, or style information. (rsvp_msg_integrity)
RSVP.038 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.038 RSVP Resv cnf mssng rrr spc, cnfrm or styl fm SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.038 RSVP Resv confirm message missing error spec, confirm or style from SourceIPAddress
Description: An RSVP Resv confirm message is missing error_spec, resv_confirm, or style information. (rsvp_msg_integrity)
RSVP.039 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.039 Unknwn RSVP msg msgtype rcvd fm SourceIPAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.039 Unknown RSVP message msgtype received from SourceIPAddress
Description: An RSVP Path tear message is missing rsvp_hop, scope, or style. (rsvp_msg_integrity)
RSVP.041 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: RSVP.041 Sess sess_id: port rt chg: new i_i/f= i_if; new out-mask= out_mask
Long Syntax: RSVP.041 Rte chg on Sessn sess_id port port detected; new input port= i_if; new out mask= out_mask
Description: A route change on Session %I port %d has been detected; the new input interface is now %n; the new output interface mask is now %x
RSVP.046 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.046 prt ncnsstncy
Long Syntax: RSVP.046 Port inconsistancy (tbd)
Description: rsvp_chk_port complained (rsvp_proc_path)
RSVP.047 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.047 Cant add RSVP pth state fm nt network ID
Long Syntax: RSVP.047 Cannot add new RSVP Path state information from net network ID
Description: An RSVP Path message with new state cannot be added to either the full RSVP table, ie, RSVP_TABLE_NEW failed (rsvp_proc_path)
RSVP.048 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.048 RSVP pth has bad tm int time_values nt network ID
Long Syntax: RSVP.048 RVSP path message has bad time interval time_values net network ID
Description: An RSVP Path message's time values are either longer than the maximum allowed or shorter than the minimum allowed (rsvp_proc_path)
RSVP.049 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.049 NULL input if network ID
Long Syntax: RSVP.049 Empty input network ID
Description: Local session with a null input interface (later). (rsvp_proc_path)
RSVP.050 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.050 RSVP Rte failure to dest dst_addr
Long Syntax: RSVP.050 RSVP route query to dest dst_addr failed
Description: RSVP query to IP routing database results in no route to the destination
RSVP.051 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.051 Cant updt TC fltr nt network ID
Long Syntax: RSVP.051 Cannot update Traffic Control Filter net network ID
Description: An RSVP path message caused a change in traffic control, but the traffic control filter could not be updated. (rsvp_proc_path)
RSVP.052 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.052 Can't get entry_type entry for snder SenderAddress prot Protocol port SenderPort to session SessionAddress port SessPort
Long Syntax: RSVP.052 Can't get entry_type entry space for sender SenderAddress prot Protocol port SenderPort to session SessionAddress port SessPort
Description: The specified entry table is running out of space while processing the specified Path request
RSVP.062 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.062 RSVP RSVPStyle resv not Action from SourceIPAddress code reasoncode
Long Syntax: RSVP.062 An RSVPStyle style RSVP resv could not be Actionfrom SourceIPAddress vcrm code reasoncode
Description: Either a new reservation could not be established or an old reservation could not be increased as a result of an RSVP resv message. (rsvp_proc_FF, SE, or WF)
RSVP.064 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.064 PktClas update error for Session SessionAddress Prot Protocol Port SessionPort out-i/f Outport
Long Syntax: RSVP.064 Packet Classifier update error for Session SessionAddress Prot Protocol Port SessionPort out-i/f Outport
Description: The call to update packet classifer failed during processing of Resv message for the session
RSVP.065 |
Short Syntax: RSVP.065 MsgT for sess SessionAddress: SessionProt at i/f NetNum discarded ( Reason)
Long Syntax: RSVP.065 msg MsgT for sess SessionAddress: SessionProt at i/f NetNum discarded due to Reason
Description: Received an RSVP message that's out of state; discarded.
RSVP.066 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: RSVP.066 Rsv Failed reason value policydb value
Long Syntax: RSVP.066 Reservation Failed due to reason value policydb value
Description: Reservation failed, prohibited by policy
RSVP.067 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: RSVP.067 RSVP Plcy Qry PlcyQryResults Cd Code
Long Syntax: RSVP.067 RSVP Policy Query PlcyQryResults code Code
Description: RSVP queried policy with these results
RSVP.068 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: RSVP.068 IP rtr ChangeReason to subnet DestSubnet mask DestMask
Long Syntax: RSVP.068 IP route change notification (route ChangeReason) to dest subnet DestSubnet msk DestMask
Description: Received IP route-change notification (changed|deleted) to destination subnet. This trace is displayed only if the route is used by RSVP.
RSVP.069 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: RSVP.069 Local upcallType upcall event
Long Syntax: RSVP.069 upcallType upcall event
Description: Received RSVP control message for a local (i.e. to the router) application. The message text list the type of upcall event.
RSVP.070 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: RSVP.070 Rcvd RSVPStyle msg for sess SessionAddress: Protocol prot SessionPort from OrigAddress
Long Syntax: RSVP.070 Valid RSVP msg type RSVPStyle rcv'd for sess SessionAddress port Protocol prot SessionPort from OrigAddress
Description: A RSVP message (Path, Resv FF/SE/WF) was received for a particular session (SessionAddress, Protocol, SessionPort) from an IP node with OrigAddress.
RSVP.071 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: RSVP.071 type RESV from SourceAddress: SourePort to DestAddress: DestPort Protocol Protocol on out-i/f OPort
Long Syntax: RSVP.071 type RSVP RESV entry in pkt classifier for flow from SourceAddress Port SourePort to DestAddress Port DestPort Protocol Protocol on out-i/f OPort
Description: An entry has been added/deleted in the RSVP packet classifier for the specified session/flow on the specific outbound interface
RSVP.072 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: RSVP.072 type PATH state from SourceAddress: SourePort prot Protocol to DestAddress: DestPort
Long Syntax: RSVP.072 type a Path state for flow from SourceAddress port SourePort protocol Protocol to DestAddress port DestPort
Description: Added/deleted a Path state for flow from a source port to a destination port (session)
RSVP.073 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: RSVP.073 --RSVP send IP pkt to Dest_Address on net Netp, return code= retcode
Long Syntax: RSVP.073 RSVP sends an IP packet out to Dest_Address on net Netp, with return code retcode
Description: As a result of RSVP internal state and event, sent a RSVP message to a next-hop RSVP router or host
RSVP.074 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: RSVP.074 Send msg_type for session SessionAddress: SessionPort
Long Syntax: RSVP.074 Send a RSVP message type msg_type for session SessionAddress port SessionPort
Description: Send a specified type of refresh or tear message to the specified session
RSVP.075 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: RSVP.075 type state timeout from SourceAddress: SourePort prot Protocol to DestAddress: DestPort
Long Syntax: RSVP.075 A type state for flow from SourceAddress port SourePort protocol Protocol to DestAddress port DestPort timed out
Description: A PATH or RESV state for flow from a source port to a destination port (session) has just timed out and been removed.
RSVP.076 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: RSVP.076 Forward QoS pkt from Src_Address to Dest_Address prot Protocol rt-code= retcode
Long Syntax: RSVP.076 Packet Classifier forwards a QoS pkt from Src_Address to Dest_Address protocol Protocol; return code= retcode
Description: Packet Classifier identifies a packet in a QoS flow, and forwards this packet to the appropriate queue.
RSVP.077 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: RSVP.077 Pkt Classifier table flushed.
Long Syntax: RSVP.077 Packet Classifier table is flushed!
Description: The Packet Classifer table is flushed at init time or due to Operator Console command.
RSVP.078 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: RSVP.078 Send pos RESV-Confirm Pkt back to recever_addr
Long Syntax: RSVP.078 A RESV Confirm packet is sent back to recever_addr as requested.
Description: A RESV Confirm message is sent to the receiver (the RESV originator) who requested a reservation confirmation on the RESV message.
RSVP.079 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: RSVP.079 Ntwk DISC rcvd frm next_hop on sess sess_addr: port_num
Long Syntax: RSVP.079 A network DISC received from next-hop next_hop on session sess_addr port port_num
Description: A network or remote host generated DISC is received from a next hop router regarding a session.
RSVP.080 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: RSVP.080 var1= v1; var2= v2; var3= v3; var4= v4
Long Syntax: RSVP.080 component var1 var1= v1; var2 var2= v2; var3 var3= v3; var4 var4= v4
Description: A generic trace for unusual events; var1 shows module name and first trace variable name, v1 shows first trace variable value; var2 shows second trace variable name, v2 shows second trace variable value, and so on.